5 Quotes & Sayings By Jennifer Cox

Jennifer Cox is a best-selling author, lifestyle expert and professional speaker who has been featured in the Oprah Magazine and Cosmopolitan Magazine. She is the creator of TheBUBsolution, a motivational and educational tool that helps people to overcome challenges and break free from self-imposed limitations by learning to think positively, believe in themselves and visualize success.

There are only so many hours in the day, and chances are that if you have a successful career it's your job that takes up most of them. As the economy flourishes are we in the grip of an emotional recession? Have we made our jobs the primary relationships in our lives, settling for a so-so boyfriend because that's all we have the time to either find or maintain? Jennifer Cox
...this is a way of handling a fear of losing control. One way - which is perhaps not the best way - to try and regain control is to talk, talk, talk. Love Professor - to Jennifer Jennifer Cox
...you fall in love in three stages: lust, attraction and attachment. Jennifer Cox
Imagine yourself winning?. Wouldn't that make you overconfident?'' Not at all.. It's called "positive visualisation", like being a runner: see yourself making it across the finish line, you pace yourself better, run a better race too. See yourself winning at poker, you make the winning calls. See yourself as a loser, you've not got the self-belief or determination to play well, no matter how much money you gamble.' Chester - to JenniferI was shocked to hear the words of the Love Professor echoed by Chester: like yourself and you'll win; think you're a loser, and sure enough you'll end up losing. Jennifer Cox